Web Leads LLC

Stats To Help You Change How You Sell, using SEO Leads

Buying an affordable seo lead package is easy, but selling your product and services takes a great sales plan. Here we offer you some simple statistics that can help you close on all your new leads.

  • If you follow up on leads within 5 minutes of receiving, you are 9 times more likely to convert them.
  • 85% of customers report being dissatisfied with their phone experiences, meaning you should spend more time refining your phone personality.
  • Email marketing has a 2x higher ROI than cold calling.
  • Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured seo leads.
  • 78% of salespeople on social media out sell their peers.
  • 70% of people make purchasing decisions to solve problems.
  • 30% of people make purchasing decisions to gain something.


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Brand Name
Web Leads, Inc
Product Name
SEO Leads
USD 15.00
Product Availability
Available in Stock
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