In a previous post, we provided tips as well as a template for our customers to use with new lead prospects. The email that you first send is incredibly important, but the subject line can oftentimes make the biggest difference. Most people get overwhelmed by tons of emails all day. Most don’t have the time to read every single thing that comes into their inbox. They quickly scan the subject lines, and decide if the email is worth their time and attention.
Without compromising your message, you want to choose your subject line wisely. Choosing the right words can result in higher open rates, which in turn will lead to more sales.
Consider a few easy tips that tend to work:
- Personalize the subject line with the leads name or business name.
- Use words that convey urgency like “important” or “urgent”.
- Use your subject line to say “thank you” for their interest.
- Announcements or invitations have a higher rate of being opened.
The email you send to your potential client will have a great impact on whether or not you hear from them, but the wording of your subject line can be critical. Choose the words you use wisely, and do some research to find out what works for your type of lead. A good tip is to use tracking options and testing that can automatically conduct experiments to see what works best for your prospects.