Web Leads LLC

Is Your Website Lead Ready?

The purpose of your website serves as the introduction of your brand or company to potential consumers. This is the place where they can learn who you are and what it is you offer.  But a website should also do much more than that. It should fuel sales inside your own company. It’s the place where you will receive organic and non-organic leads that you can turn into new sales and clients. Marketing automation on your website can be a powerful source of leads, as well as a great way to close on leads that you have already spoken with.  The most important aspect of your website is to ensure that you gain all the information that you need to contact and convert your web visitors upon their arrival.

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Marketing automation systems can turn your website into a real engine of growth for your company’s marketing and sales department . Your strategy needs to be turning website visitors into actionable leads – with contact information that you can use to follow up. Your marketing automation strategy may be as simple as a single form that encourages website visitors to sign up for a free trial, or it might be a sign up to receive future newsletters and information about your company. Even if someone isn’t quite ready to make a purchase, their contact information is still valuable to you because you can send them emails and make them part of targeted nurture campaigns that are designed to keep your company in their mind while they wait for their next budget cycle. Staying top of mind with your prospective customer is important. Not every SEO or web design lead that you purchase is going to be ready to sign up with your services immediately. Sending them to your website can help you automate follow up. Using newsletters and email to stay relevant and touch base with prospects over time, feeding them the information they need during the sales specials or new news about your company, is the best way to go. If your follow up lead calls don’t go well, you can always send them to your website for more information. Many potential leads are more comfortable getting emails then speaking to a sales person on the phone. By sending them to your website, you can still turn them into sales with a different type of strategy.

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Here at Webleads, we can help you find quality leads as well provide tips and techniques that can help you close them. For more information on how you can get our help, click HERE.

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