Web Leads LLC

Is Typography Affecting Your Conversions

Do you find that your sales conversions go cold after sending leads an email, flyer, or directly to your landing page? KissMetrics has recently published an in-depth look at how the importance of typography in marketing is scientifically proven. Whether it is your landing page or a sales email, the world of typography has a direct link in its ability to affect conversions.

Understanding typography can help. In KissMetrics findings, they offer detailed information on the components that make up the art of typography. Typeface, fonts, line lengths, leading, kerning, and tracking are all key elements that are critical for any sales or marketing professionals to understand.

Why is typography important in sales conversions? Copy that is hard to read, to close together, or type face that is too small will have prospects leaving before they read the entire text or be so exhausted at the end, not have any interest at all. Typography is crucial because it makes the whole process of understanding and comprehending information effortless.

How to pick the right typeface for conversions? Don’t let intricate typefaces and creativity affect usefulness, and remember that the typeface you use should compliment your text. You want your leads to remember the message not the fancy lettering.


For a full look at this interesting find of typography and conversions read the entire article here at KissMetrics.

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