Avoid SEO Lead Gen Mistakes and Make the Sale
We all make mistakes. If you’re human, that is, you are definitely prone to making mistakes. If you’re an alien…I’m not sure what to tell you.
With SEO lead generation, especially, mistakes are common, so if you’ve made one, you’re not alone. Although, make sure you’re not publicizing your mistakes. After all, you still want to attract clients.
Hopefully, you’ve been lucky enough to avoid any missteps in lead generation. If not, let us help you keep from making anymore.
Here are five commons SEO lead generation mistakes.
Mistake 1: Not Knowing your Competition
Can you imagine playing in the NCAA Championship game without having studied your competition? In most every competitive activity, it’s important to know who/what you’re competing against. We whole heartedly believe that competing against yourself is important, but guess what? You’re not the only one out there trying to garner SEO leads. Knowledge is power! Ergo, you need to research and know the competitive climate. Not doing so is just dumb. Really, really dumb.
Mistake 2: Lacking Proper Measurement Tools
We’re sure there have been times when you’ve walked out of the house, gotten to your destination and remembered that you forgot a necessary item at home. Don’t you just hate not having exactly what you need when you need it? Same goes for SEO lead generation. You need to have the right mechanisms in place to analyze and track potential customers. Having well-defined analytic strategies can and will bring you closer to your lead generation goals.
Mistake 3: Not Optimizing
Duh! If you’re not optimizing your businesses website in order to garner SEO leads, you’re not doing it right. “Optimization” is a part of “SEO,” it’s in the name for goodness sake! If you’re not doing this simple thing…you may be beyond our help. Just kidding! We won’t write you off just yet. There are tools that can help your website move up in ranking on search results. Many businesses don’t know how to do this. Make sure you do!
Mistake 4: Understand SEO is NOT a Lead Gen Strategy
SEO is a buzzword for inbound lead generation and it allows you to reach relevant leads, therefore leading them to your website. But, don’t focus solely on SEO as if it is the “end all be all” of lead generation. Let us tell you something, friend. If this has been your way of thinking up until this moment, we’re so glad you found our blog and that we’re the ones who get to pass on some knowledge.
How we’re different
At this point, you can probably tell that we at Web Leads are not just in the business of selling SEO leads, we’re extremely involved in our clients’ businesses. We want to help your business reach its fullest potential by providing a reputable and honest service that will positively affect your sales. But enough about us, experience the results for yourself.