Web Leads LLC

Effectively Set Appointments With Leads

Running your business while receiving quality leads and then having to spend time setting up appointments can be a lot of pressure.  If you don’t have a strategy in place before making phone calls, your company’s business can suffer in several ways. The best thing you can do to succeed at closing your leads is to prepare yourself in advance.

Practice Your Pitch

The first thing you need to do is perfect the script you will use to pitch your products and services. Having a branded introduction that identifies who you are and what your company offers will make leads feel like they know you right away. The biggest mistake you can make is sounding like a salesperson. You want your pitch to sound unrehearsed from a real human. If it sounds unnatural, you are more than likely to scare away your lead before setting up the appointment. Using casual conversation in your emails is important as well.

Create excitement about what you are offering and speak clearly. 

Listen To Your Leads

While what you say is essential, it’s critical that you also listen to what your lead has to say and not simply finish your script without a breath. A great closer is intuitive and can pick up cues your lead is sending. Listening will help you figure out exactly what products and services they are looking for so that you can tailor-fit your offering as needed.

On occasions, you may have to throw out your scripted page. Being flexible is the best way to get your lead to make an appointment.

Tactful Counterargument

Be prepared for objection and rejection. Having a plan on how to handle this situation when it comes up can be the difference between gaining and losing a potential new client. Rehearse rebuttals by creating a list of objections you might possibly receive. Try and use any information you have about the lead to tailor the conversation as needed when their objections come up.  

Offering to reschedule or contact them at a later date is always a great way to save a lead.

Sometimes you can feel the rejection coming. This tip is for dealing with a no just before you get it.

Setting Up Further Contact

As we mentioned above, you may have to reschedule setting up an appointment. When your lead is not quite ready, get all the important information to make a second contact. Make sure you ask who the best person to contact again at their place of business might be to ensure you get the right person. You can ask what day and time would be good to discuss further and make sure you have the correct phone and email for contact. 

You also want to make sure you don’t wait too long to follow up so that you stay fresh in their mind.

Confirming Appointment

Once you make the appointment, always remember to send a confirmation email to remind them of the upcoming date. Also, recap what the appointment will cover in the message, along with the time and date.

If your lead declines an appointment, politely ask his reason for declining. Having this information is invaluable. When you know why leads are declining, it can help you refine your approach.

Most importantly, never ever get discouraged. That negative energy can be taken into your next call or email, and you don’t want that.

Webleads Inc.

At Webleads, we don’t just help you buy quality lead packages, we help you close them. Our team of experts is here to offer you the best advice on how to successfully close on our leads. 

We produce high quality leads to almost any business type based on your geographic market.

Find out more about our leads today!


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